Viisas kasvu – Lapland’s tourism strategy 2020–2023

Viisas kasvu – Lapland’s tourism strategy 2020–2023 2019–2020 Layout design and infographics for the Lapland’s tourism strategy for 2020–2023, which unfortunately experienced the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, just shortly after its release. Work was done under the Lapland’s Arctic Tourism Ecosystem (Lapin arktinen matkailuekosysteemi) project administered by the Regional Council […]
University of Lapland annual report 2016

University of Lapland annual report 2016 2017 Layout design and illustrations for the University of Lapland annual report 2016. Printed and digital publication. Read the annual report on Issuu.
Rovaniemi Steiner school’s calendars 2014–2017

Rovaniemi Steiner School’s calendars 2014–2017 2013–2016 Graphic design of the Rovaniemi Steiner School’s calendars for 2014, 2015 and 2017.
UMG Magazine

UMG Magazine 2013–2014 Logo design, cover illustration and some layout design for the UMG Magazine 2014. UMG is an annual community magazine published by the master students of the University of Lapland’s Graphic Design Programme.
Arctic Sport Network

Arctic Sport Network 2019 Graphic design and infographics for the Arctic Sport Network of Lapland. Done under the Inno4Sports Interreg Europe project, participated by the Regional Council of Lapland. Arctic Sport Network is based on cross-sectoral collaboration bringing together Lappish actors from the different fields of sport. The aim is to promote healthy lifestyle, to […]
Pääkaupunkiseudun Metsänomistajat PKMO visual identity

Pääkaupunkiseudun Metsänomistajat PKMO visual identity 2017 Visual identity and graphic guidelines for the Pääkaupunkiseudun Metsänomistajat PKMO ry, the association of forest owners living in the Helsinki metropolitan area.
Smart Regions 2.0 conference social event publication

Smart Regions 2.0 conference social event publication 2017 Art Director of the Regional Innovation Times, an official newspaper for the Smart Regions 2.0 conference social event, being responsible of the artistic coordination of the publication project with the ten participating regions. The layout work was done in collaboration with graphic designer Henna Rintala. I also […]
Arctic Smartness brand publications & marketing materials

Arctic Smartness brand publications & promotional materials 2017–2021 Graphic Designer in the Arctic Smartness Excellence project (2016–2018), administered by the Regional Council of Lapland and University of Lapland. My task was to design brochures, news paper publications, roll-ups, infographics and all other kind of promotional materials for the project implementing Lapland’s Smart Specialisation. I also […]
Arctic Design Week 2019 visual identity

Arctic Design Week 2019 visual identity 2018–2019 Visual identity for the Arctic Design Week 2019. Graphic design of the event’s promotional materials including posters, advertising flags, program leaflets, badges, stickers and advertisements for outdoor screens. Theme of the Arctic Design Week 2019 was ”Design for Happiness”.
Arctic Investment Platform

Arctic Investment Platform 2018–2020 Visual identity, layout design and infographics for the Arctic Investment Platform (AIP) feasibility study and road map projects, which were administered by the Regional Council of Lapland. The aim of these projects was to make use of top-level European experts and join the forces of the 14 Northern Sparsely Populated Areas […]