
Do you have a need for visual expertise? Then you’ve come to the right place. I’m ready to help you with your visual communication goals, whatever they may be. Whether it’s a visual identity or brand building for your project or business, visual storytelling via illustrations, information visualised through infographics, layout design for a printed or digital publication, web design or consulting assistance for visual communication. Let’s find a solution tailored for your purpose!



The successful design process is an open dialogue between the client and the designer, so let’s start with a chat on your communication goals. Let’s consider together the appropriate communication methods and platforms for conveying your message. You know your business better than me – I respect that and want to get a good idea of your area of expertise to come up with the most appropriate and sharpest visual solution for your communication goals.



Sufficient time and necessary amount of comment rounds are needed to achieve the desired results. Within the agreed framework, we shall pursue no less than a top-level visual outcome, a diamond that lasts long and fulfils the set communication goals.  If for one reason or another you’re not satisfied with the outcome, let’s just agree the necessary corrections to be made, and I’ll return the work back to my drawing board once more. As simple as that. Satisfaction guaranteed!


+358 44 928 4100
